San Marzano Timo Vermentino

San Marzano Timo Vermentino

Country: Italy

Region: Puglia

Grape Variety: Vermentino

Vintage: 2023

ABV: 12.5%

Food Pairing: Shellfish, Fish, Seafood

£13.49 Inc. VAT

  • Description


San Marzano Timo Vermentino

Exotic white floral and citrus aromas combine with notes of thyme and rosemary in this elegant, refreshing and mineral wine with a saline, zesty finish

In 1962, 19 vine growers from San Marzano whose families had farmed the land for generations, combined their efforts to establish ‘Cantine San Marzano’. Through the decades this cooperative has grown significantly, attracting over 1,200 top-quality vine growers. Using modern and technologically advanced vinification techniques they produce elegant wines that pay homage to the ancient Apulian wine traditions. The fusion of time honoured tradition, passion and contemporary techniques, enables this winery to produce wines with distinctive varietal and regional characteristics while reflecting the local terroir. In 2021, San Marzano was awarded the ‘Cooperative Winery of the Year Award’ by Gambero Rosso.